Top 6 Natural Treatments for Seasonal Allergies for Children

By Dr. Alina Olteanu, Whole Child Texas

Allergies season has arrived in Texas - we see it here every day at Whole Child Texas! There is hardly anyone who is not affected by Texas seasonal allergies and the constant sneezing, itchy, runny nose and eyes, and sniffles.


Unfortunately for children, it has become the new "normal" to have the sniffles several months a year and to take Claritin and Zyrtec daily.


Truly healthy children should not take any prescription medications and should be free of any symptoms. They should be full of energy, eating, sleeping, and growing well.



Allie is a 6 –year- old girl who has similar symptoms to many little patients. Her mom brought her to the clinic because she struggles with terrible allergies every spring. Allie was born by C-section, breastfeed for three months only because mom had to return to work in a high-stress job. Allie had several rounds of antibiotics for ear infections before the age of 2 years. She has seasonal allergies, mild asthma, and severe eczema. Allie is taking daily a Flonase nasal spray, Zyrtec, and uses her Albuterol inhaler 3-4 times per year. She is using high-potency steroid creams for her eczema, but it is still very itchy, and sometimes she cannot sleep because of it.

She loves cow milk and drinks 2-3 cups/day, plus some chocolate milk at school. Her breakfast usually consists of pancakes or Pop-Tarts and also has a second breakfast at school. Most days, it is bagels with cream cheese or muffins. Pizza or pasta for lunch most days. She does not like veggies or salads but has some broccoli for dinner most days. She does eat chicken and sometimes fish sticks. She drinks 1-2 cups of water/day, 1 cup of juice, and 2-3 cups of milk. She struggles with constipation since she has been born.


Here are a few recommendations for Allie to help with her allergies and her other symptoms. These are the top 5 non-prescription seasonal allergies recommendations for children.


  • #1 Diet: Eliminate all processed food, artificial dyes, and preservatives; implement an anti-inflammatory diet that is rich in "whole foods" like vegetables, fruits, healthy fats from nuts, seeds, fish, olive oil, avocado, fermented foods like kefir, sauerkraut, kimchi, kombucha. Children should eat at least five servings for vegetables and 2-3 servings of fruits per day.
  • #2 Nutritional supplements that help with allergies: quercetin, vitamin C, omega 3, probiotics, vitamin D. Two favorite non-prescription supplements for allergies are "Snifflex" (for kids) and "D-Hist" (for adults)
  • Nasal saline washes. A favorite nasal spray for children: "Xlear" (nasal saline with Xylitol)
  • #3 Environmental interventions: have kids wear a baseball hat when they play outside, have them change their clothes, and take a shower as soon as they come in and use Xlear nasal saline washes 2-3 times/day, especially after spending time outdoors.
  • #4 Other healing modalities that may help with allergies: homeopathy, acupuncture, and Traditional Chinese Medicine, Ayurveda, chiropractor care, essential oils.
  • #5 Nasal saline washes. A favorite nasal spray for children: "Xlear" (nasal saline with Xylitol)
  • #6 Stress management: Chronic stress and anxiety can exacerbate all chronic conditions. Make sure to address any chronic stress in the family. Meditation is a great stress management technique that parents can practice with their children, and it benefits the entire family.


Allie came for a follow-up visit three months later. After implementing all the recommendations: she is currently off all her daily prescription medications and did not have to use her Albuterol inhaler in two months. She is not sniffly anymore, has no cough, and her skin looks great. She can play outside without any problems.

Contact Dr. Alina Olteanu at 214-736-1954,, or visit to find out more about treating your whole child so they can enjoy their best possible health.


Dr Olteanu is located in Frisco, Texas, just outside of Dallas, and is an integrative pediatrician specializing in integrative and functional medicine as well as natural treatments for Autism, ADD, ADHD, Anxiety and Depression, Asthma, Allergies, Eczema, Constipation, Headaches, and other chronic childhood conditions.





Please note that this Whole Child Texas blog is for informational purposes and not intended to take the place of a licensed healthcare provider. Whole Child Texas, located just outside of Dallas, Texas, is an integrative and functional medicine pediatric clinic that treats the whole child, spirit-body-brain, using a variety of treatment modalities (nutritional counseling, vitamins, herbs, homeopathy, meditation ). We specialize in integrative and functional treatments for Autism, ADD, ADHD, Anxiety, Depression, Asthma, Allergies, Eczema, Headaches and other childhood chronic or acute conditions using traditional medicine combined with holistic, natural supplements, and stress management.